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pde-general - Personal Data Ecosystem General LIst

Subject: Personal Data Ecosystem General LIst

Description: Our first project as a community is to develop a response to the Federal Trade Commission and Commerce Department privacy proposals. We will be focused on this for the month of January 2011.

We are not debating the broad outlines of a personal data ecosystem or personal data stores rather taking that perspective and communicating what it means relatively to these two government documents that input is being solicited for.

Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework from the Deapartment of Commerce Internet Policy Task Force.
The Department intends for the comments responding to this green paper to contribute to the
Administration’s domestic policy and international engagement in the area of privacy.

Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change: A Proposed Framework for Business and Policymakers, Preliminary FTC Staff Report
Commission staff seeks comment by January 31, 2011, on each component of the proposed framework and how it might apply in the real world. Interested parties are encouraged
to raise, and comment upon, related issues. Based on comments received, the Commission will
issue a final report in 2011.

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